
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Act II : Choosing Sides

Mr. Proctor is asking me to decide whose side I want to be on, and whether or not I want to go along with Abigails hoax or tell the truth. This decision is very hard because with making this decision has both a consequence and gain for every choice. If I choose to go along with Abigail's lie I will lose my job at the Proctors and my trust with them. However I will be safe from being accused of witchcraft and I'll get my friends back. If I tell the truth I will lose my friends and be charged and possibly hung. However on the positive side I know that I've told the truth during the whole hoax and stayed true to myself. To make the whole entire situation worst, I've found out why Abigail wants to get rid of Goody Proctor. Abigail wants Mr.Proctor all to herself, they've already had an affair together,once, earlier this year.

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