
Monday, August 30, 2010

Act I: The Situation

I am beginning to regret everything that has happened recently because now it has come to a point where lies run my life. I should have never gone along with Abby's lies; it now feels like I'm in the center o the whole Witch Hunt.
Sad part is that the people I work for have a very bad reputation with Abby and I'm sure she wants to make their life hell. I want do not want to be part of this beecause it might cost me my job but Abby is my friend. I truly don't know which one I want to put first.
Recently, Goody Proctor foud about the "poppet" so things immediately turned for the worst. Mr.Proctor suspects that Abby and I planned the whole situation with the poppet, I'm not sure if I should tell the trught or not.
See what happened was that Abby, in reality , is out to get Goody Proctor for some odd reason, I'm not sure of what that is though. She told me to make this poppet and of course I said ok. However, I did not know Abby's intentions of the poppet until after I made it. She planned to make it appear as if Goody Proctor had done some type of voodoo or witchcraft on her.
Sadyly for Goody Proctor Abby's plan worked and she was sent away for witchcraft questioning. Mr. Proctor believes that the whole withcraft situation is a hoax and seeing that I am Abby's friend Mr. Proctor wants me to go along with his accusation. My mind is still very confused but the Proctor's have no actually facts about anything thats happening with the witch hunt. I plan to keep my loyalty to my friends until I'm giving other reasons not to.